Events 2025
Beyond the veil
​Oshkosh, WI​
Feb 9th, 10am - 5pm​
Beyond the veil
Onalaska, WI ​
Feb 15th, 10am - 5pm​
Holistic Health Fair
Rockford, IL​
March 30th, 10am - 5pm​
Beyond the veil
Eau Claire, WI​
April 11th - 13th
Haunted america
Godfrey, IL​
June 27th - 28th​​​​​​​​
Great Lakes Paranormal
Glenbeulah, WI​
Sept 12th- 14th
World Oddity Expo
​New Orleans, LA​
Oct 11th - 12th, 11am - 8pm​
World Oddity Expo
Minneapolis, mn ​
Nov 29th, 10am - 8pm​
World Oddity Expo
Chicago, IL​
Dec 6th - 7th, 11am - 6pm​​​​
Admin of Milwaukee Witches Market on Facebook!
Joins us as a vendor, reader or buyer ​
I teach group classes/events, 1-on-1 wire wrapping lessons, online classes, and classes at local shops.
Group Wire Wrap Classes/Events:
$400 - must be within 1.5 hrs of Milwaukee, WI
​includes up to 8 people per class group/event, 3.5 to 4 hours for learning and wrapping of the chosen design option, Crystal cabochon worth up to $20, copper wire for wrapping and a necklace cord. This can be hosted at a local location & be added on to price or at a chosen location by the party.
1-on-1 Wire Wrap Lessons:
$100 - must be within an hour of Milwaukee if meeting at a designated location
includes 2 hours of time to wire wrap the chosen design, Crystal cabochon worth up to $20, copper wire and a necklace cord. These lessons will be held at my Home in west allis or a local public location.
Online Classes:
Will be announced when Dates are set​
Future classes on Crystals, Crystal Gridding, Wire Wrapping, Spell jar making & More.
Milwaukee, WI Area Classes:
Tarot Readings:​
$35 per half hour​
Includes a reading with tarot decks and oracle decks, where I will go through a layout and interpret what I see and read & you can ask questions if time allows. this is done through messenger with videos & photos, or a video reading can be arranged.